Author Archives: allsaints

2016 Legislative Update

Dear Friend, Thank you for visiting my website and looking at my update regarding the outcome of several key pieces of legislation this session. I believe that your input and interest in the legislative session is the mechanism that keeps government in check. Thomas Jefferson once said, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and… Continue Reading

Legislative Wrap Up

Dear Friend,   I hope you and your family are doing well. I appreciate your interest in what is happening in state government. Paying attention is critical to making positive changes, and I thought you might be interested in reading my 2014 end of session letter this year. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “If… Continue Reading

Lloyd Waters: Del. Neil Parrott is a political pit bull

I would like to tell you why I respect some of the characteristics of Neil Parrott, a man I have never met. First, he seems to be a family man concerned about the institution of the family and the future of his children. Although his efforts to protect his children in the library setting would… Continue Reading

The consequences of Obamacare

People are hurting all across the country.  Recently, as I was leaving Sam’s Club, I spoke to a retired couple whose health insurance had just been canceled due to Obamacare.  Now they are having major troubles trying to get new coverage. Elections have consequences, and every day people are starting to feel the consequences in… Continue Reading

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